Engleski jezik

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Istaknuto · Pitanje postavio/la admin
u Četvrtak, Ožujak 01 2012, 07:09 ·

1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

"Where's your key?" "I don't know. I ______________ it." (lose)

I ____________ very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep. (be)

Mary _____________ to Australia for a while but she's back again now. (go)

"Where's Ken?" "He ___________ out He'll be back in about an hour. (go)

I did German at school but I ___________ most of it. (forget)

I meant to phone Diane last night but I ____________. (forget)

I ___________ a headache eariler but I feel Fine now. (have)

They are still building the new road. They ___________ it. (not/finish)

I don't know where Amy is. ______________ her? (you/see)

George _____________ well last week. (not/be)


2. Write the past simple questions to the following sentences so that the underlined word or expression is the answer.

Tom met Ann one rainy November evening.


Lisa was 25 when the two of them met.


They got married a year later.


Ann soon found out that Tom was a petty thief.


She decided not to divorce him.


Tom's robberies were innocent and minor in the beginning.



3. Correct the questions.

Who did want to continue his career?


What happen a year later?


 How long they have been married?


Where did they first met?


How long have it been since we last saw each other?


Have the two of you speak since that day?



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